10 easy ways to serve others when you are busy

faith intentional living kingdom work life hack motherhood nonprofit

This month inside of the free Real Talk Tribe community, I'm challenging everyone to serve others in one way or another. I know we are busy so I thought it may be helpful to share an easy list of ideas that will make a huge difference for someone without taking a ton of time. Serving others in a specific way does not have to be time consuming.

Here's a few ideas to help you think outside the box and not take a ton of time. 

1. Send an encouraging note to someone. Whether you send it in a text or via snail mail, a thoughtful note can go a long way to brighten someone's day. 

2. Look for an opportunity to give a stranger a compliment. Whether it is how well she is doing in parenting or how cute her shoes are, this is a perfect pick me up for someone while you are out running errands. 

3. Donate financially to a meaningful cause. What are you passionate about? Look at your friends group and find someone connected to nonprofit you care about and give some of your hard earned cash. Trust me, they need it. They may just not be intentionally asking at that very moment. 

4. Volunteer at a shelter. Whether it is an animal shelter or a homeless shelter, there is always a way to help. Cuddle the cats. Wash some dishes. Unload some boxes. Go to nearby neighbors and ask for blanket donations. If you only have an hour, do what you can for that hour. You don't have to commit long term or the entire day. 

5. Provide acts of service to someone in need. Do you know a single mama? Or maybe a new mom? Or maybe someone who isn't getting around as easily as they used to? Mow their lawn, fold their laundry, bring them dinner. Again, this doesn't have to be a long term commitment. Something is better than nothing. 

6. Bring a friend their favorite drink. Okay, I'm laughing as I type this because this is hits me in the feels. Some would say my love language is a McD Diet Coke. You bring me one for no reason at all and I'll love you forever. It's an instant mood changer and always has been for me. 

7. Help someone meet a goal! Do you know someone who is working for a promotion? Maybe they are in sales and need to get in front of more people. Be a connector and introduce them to your people. 

8. Pick up trash. Whether you are committing an entire day picking up litter off the highway or you are picking up a couple pieces you see on the sidewalk on the way into your doctor's appointment, it counts. 

9. Volunteer to babysit. It can be kids you can pick up and take to a movie so mom & dad can have a date night or it can simply be sitting with the children while mom takes a much needed nap. 

10. Host a Yard Give. If you aren't familiar with this term, it's where you have a yard sale but instead of selling items, you give them a way. This is definitely going to be the most time consuming one of this list but if you are working on decluttering and purging the excess, it may be worth your time. If you can't host it, maybe you can find someone who can and let them pick up your stuff and give it away for you. Or give it to someone who could use the extra funds and let them sell it. Regardless, someone gets what you don't need and you have helped someone AND yourself when it is out of your home! 

The list of ideas is endless but the key is to do something. Be intentional. Keep your eyes open. Pray about it. Ask God what He would like for you to do? Maybe it isn't even about serving others as it is serving those in your home more intentionally. Regardless, I'm praying your life is more fulfilled because of your choice to serve others more. 


P.S. For more ideas and encouragement, join us. You don't have to do it alone ->Real Talk Tribe free community

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Find out more about me: www.melissabatt.com

Want to work with me: Send me a quick email at [email protected]

Disclaimer: Occasionally, I will share products I'm an affiliate for.  If you purchase from it, I will make a small percentage for sharing at no cost to you. I keep it real and would NEVER suggest anything I wouldn't want to 100% stand behind.
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