Choose adventure and activate your faith.

community challenge coping with depression depression faith generalized anxiety disorder good habits intentional living life hack

Make adventure a new habit. As a girl who has lived afraid of everything, I loved living in my bubble of safety. Unfortunately, it didn’t serve me. And it won't serve you either. As I have worked the last few years to get out of the funk, God has called me to intentionally choose adventure. And, I want to pass that challenge on to you!

Did you know there is a difference between living and existing in life? I don’t want to exist and take up space. I want to thrive, make a difference, and truly live a life worth living. 

Choosing adventure is willingly giving up control and learning you will be okay.  It also gives God an opportunity to show off and for you to grow more reliant upon Him. It’s a life hack that will serve you well as you walk in your faith.

Adventure requires faith. Faith produces more faith and helps us learn to be more reliant on God than we are on ourselves. Activate your faith and watch God work in your life.  

What adventure will you choose today?

It may not look like cliff diving and jumping out of airplanes. You are in control of your adventures. I give you permission to go as big as YOU want to go.

Here’s a few things that I’ve done that has grown my faith and confidence as I walk out a life of adventure:

Said YES to my kids and let them lead the day.

Ran on the treadmill in a crowded gym. 

Danced in public. 

Spoke up when I knew I had something to say. 

Talked to a stranger.

Signed up to learn to do something new.

Next on the list-Ziplining! While some may say it is fun. You should know that I have no desire to do it but I will because I’m choosing adventure. Let's live, friends. 

P.S. Our community challenge this month is all about choosing adventure. For more ideas and encouragement, join us. You don't have to do it alone ->Real Talk Tribe free community

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Melissa Batt: Faith Life Business Subscribe

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