Circling the Wagon: Become Proactive and Prepare for Life's Challenges

circle the wagon girlboss good habits intentional living life hack mindset
Title shows It is time to circle the wagon and be proactive with woman with hand on her hip

Are you ready to circle the wagon and start being proactive in your life? For 3 years I've been challenging my coaching clients to slow down and pay attention. 

Spoiler Alert: Life is hard. The enemy will come to attack you as you live out your calling but you DO have control over some areas of your life.


Circle the Wagon
Circling the wagon involves identifying areas in our lives that are more vulnerable and taking steps to strengthen them. This proactive approach will help you have more peace, limit your distractions, and protect your resources. It's time to get off the hamster wheel and out of survival mode. This is the message God gave me in 2020. Today, the words are still written on my mirror in my bedroom as a reminder. It's my mission now to help others recognize that living in reaction mode and putting out fires regularly isn't how it has to be. Follow these steps and protect your peace.

Some ways to circle the wagon in your life:

  • Look for the gaps and cracks in your life and create a plan to fix them. Areas mentioned include your health, relationships, marriage, finances, and your home.
  • Declutter and organize your home to remove chaos and create peace. If you struggle with anxiety, ADHD, or depression, this will be extremely helpful for you.
  • Take time to review your budget paying attention to what comes in and what goes out to improve your financial situation.
  • Spend intentional time in your closest relationships to make sure you remain connected.
  • Stop putting off taking care of yourself. Prioritize your health. Schedule the doctor's appt you have been putting off. Go to the dentist. Move your body.
  • Consider adding an additional stream of income to live out your calling or if you are already a direct seller, utilize your business as a vehicle to help you do so.
  • Join a book club or find other ways to slow down and reset to avoid being too busy to take care of yourself and your priorities. Check your rhythms.


It's time to circle the wagon, my friend!


Want more on this topic? Tune in to episode 28 of Priorities on Purpose, where I share more from the Girlboss Basic Bootcamp to help you prepare for resistance.

Want more tips to help you Circle the Wagon? Click here for my free guide for 7 things to do immediately to live in your purpose.

Purchase the ON DEMAND Bootcamp and get all 4 days: Click here


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Coaching women in life and business is my passion! I'd love to offer you a free consult to see if working together could be beneficial for you. You don't have to know what you need help with, you just have to book the call. It takes courage. Just DO IT.

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