Dealing with backstabbing and manipulative people as a Christian

faith identity in jesus kingdom work life hack mindset motherhood
a page out of the bible, highlighted words of Obadiah
Have you ever read the book, Obadiah, in the Bible? The introduction literally stopped me in my tracks. And, if you can even get half of what I got out of it, I know it is worth sharing. 
As a Christian, it is so hard to not let our temper get the best of us especially when we know we are in the right and another party is wrong (or downright evil in some cases).
The last couple of weeks I’ve had to deal with backstabbing and manipulative people who at one time I thought were good ‘Christian’ people.
As someone who normally sees the good in people, I rarely see the true colors of evil because it is packaged so perfectly to look innocent. Anyone else struggle with this? 
I know Jesus wants me to take the high road and not react in anger and betrayal but, dang, it is not easy. I want to fight. I want to prove them wrong. I want to get even. I want to squash them under my feet and make them pay.
I don’t always get it right and some days I downright fail the assignment.
This short book reminded me that it is God’s gift to me to not have to fight the battle. Bitterness, anger, resentment-it’s exhausting. It will eat us alive, friends.
Hear me when I say, God wins. We are FREE to leave judgement up to God. The final victory belongs to God and his people. Take the high road. Extend grace when possible. {This doesn’t mean you become a doormat, though. Boundaries are crucial.}
And when you blow up and lose your crap, know that in those moments, God knows. You are human. Take a deep breath, talk to God about it, and try to do better next time.
We are all a work in progress. And, evil exists in this broken world. Be a light to those around you and let them see Jesus in you, even those you don't like. 

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