Direct Sellers: Do you have peace where you are in your business or are you so busy working for tomorrow that you can't enjoy today?

being on top business circle the wagon direct sales girlboss goal setting network marketing

What are you wishing for? Or, heck, what are you working and striving for? 

For me, I spent years focused on making the top rank in my company and that 6 figure rank. Truth: The money came before the title but it still wasn’t even enough for me. I needed the status of being the top. 

And, then I did it. I made it to the top rank. And, well, it wasn’t quite as glamorous as I thought it would be. 

Honestly, I’m not sure what I was thinking in the first place. I think I was so busy hustling and working for it that I hadn’t even taken the time to consider why I felt so strongly that it was needed.

Another truth bomb: Once I arrived, I seriously considered quitting. I was burnt out, overwhelmed, and exhausted from something that I thought I wanted to realize that it wasn’t any different than what I was doing. 

I think there is this lie that the enemy whispers to us ever so subtly that makes us think we will eventually get to a point of ‘arriving’. Ummmm, until I go home to heaven, I don’t think that is going to happen. 

I saw something quoted on Instagram the other day by one of my favorite authors, Jennie Allen. She said, “When you wish to be somewhere God hasn’t put you-you miss out on where He has you.” So, so good! 

I am a huge proponent of goals. Goals are good and absolutely necessary. But, we have to be careful to not get so caught up in chasing for more and better results that we forget to be where our feet are. Let's enjoy today. 

Are you a leader in direct sales or network marketing? Do you have a goal set for yourself you are working towards? Whether you do or don't, I'd love the opportunity to chat with you and help you see how you can find peace as you create more impact, influence, and income building your audience. 


XO, Melissa 


P.S. Need an unstuck session to just chat about where you are? Let's do it.  

Link to set up a free call: Schedule Call Today

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