Five must-read books for life, faith, and business.

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Good books to dig into and digest! You can read it, you can listen to it, whatever floats your boat. But, they are SO good and totally changed my world. 

First you should know that it was super hard to narrow down to 5. And, this list is from last year. I've read a ton since then but am not ready to narrow them down yet. And, this list is relevant because I'm STILL talking about these books regularly! 

Here's my top 5 picks that encompass a little life, faith and business. If you have ready them already, I need to know your thoughts. 

 1. The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry – As someone who has been flying by the seat of her pants her entire life but has been challenged to start slowing down, this book was full of so much wisdom. From switching lanes at the stoplight so we can be the first off to walking super fast while out on a non-workout casual walk with a friend… Why are we always in a hurry? 

2. Free to Focus  – As someone who struggles with ADD and a lack of focus, this one is full of practical tips to help you get more done in less time to make the most impact as possible. 

3. Jesus over Everything I loved this book so much that I’m currently hosting a book club in my free community-Real Talk Tribe and reading it for the fourth time! As I have started slowing down and being intentional over the last couple of years, I have recognized some things complicate life and can be more of a pain than they are worth. This book is all about uncomplicating things so of course, I had to read it.  I also adore the author, Lisa Whittle. She has a 'real talk' type personality and you know I always appreciate that.

4. Okay, so I'm going to recommend two books by Dana K White in this spot because in my opinion, you need to read both! Decluttering at the Speed of Life How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind . Both of these books were like a pep talk in my ear while I listened to them on Audible and did my own decluttering purge session. If you feel like your home is chaotic or cluttered, these books are for you! It was like she truly knew me and was talking me out of keeping something the moment I was thinking it. So, so good! 

 And, because sometimes I just like to read for FUN, I’m going to give you one that was just a fun read because I love learning about celebrities and pop culture. Are you ready for this one? 

 Jessica Simpson’s biography-Open Book

 This was a super fun one that was packed full of so many heartfelt stories that I could relate to-childhood trauma, divorce, parenting, etc. Oh, and I highly recommend listening to the audio version because she shared some never released songs that she spoke about in the book. 

 P.S. I recently switched from Audible to Scribd. Hands down, so much better. A member of the Real Talk Tribe community and book club participant shared it with me and my mind is blown. Unlimited audio, digital, workbooks, and pdfs for $9.99 per month. All of the books mentioned above are available except for Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (it's a pdf of it, I think).  If you are interested in checking it out, use my link and try out 60 days for free.

P.S.S.  For more ideas and encouragement, join us. You don't have to do it alone ->Real Talk Tribe free community

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