Flodesk may become your new best friend.

blogging and ministry business direct sales dreamers email lists girlboss goal setting intentional living kingdom work nonprofit
email list opt ins flodesk

If in the next two years you see yourself doing any type of non-profit, ministry, blogging or a business, you need an email list. And the sooner you start it, the stronger and bigger your list will be. 

There are two huge mistakes I see when it comes to this topic. While this is a blog post for an entire different day, I'm going to go on and give you the big two. If these are you, we need to talk. 

#1 Those who solely rely on social media. (Hopefully, earlier this month was a wake up call for you to realize that you can't depend on social media.)

#2 Putting 'build a list' on the back burner and doing it last. 

When I first started taking my business seriously I was told that if you don't have an email list your social media accounts serve no purpose. The entire point of social media when you are using it intentionally is to get in front of new people. I teach my Success Lounge members and coaching clients to focus on their client/customer's journey.

Where are they now and where do you want to take them? What's the next thing you need them to do to get there? 

Regardless of whether you are wanting to blog, start a ministry, or make legitimate money, you will agree that your goal is to get people to take another step with you. You want to link arms with them and help them go further in their journey, right? 

For those who don't need convincing and KNOW you need an email list, I want to tell you about Flodesk. In the beginning, we all are trying to save the most money and get the most for it. FREE is even better. 

When I first started, I went with Mailchimp. It was super clunky. It took me hours to figure out every time I wanted to send an email and the emails weren't even cute. The only thing I can say that was positive about it was that it was FREE. 🤣

A few months later after dealing with it over & over, I finally asked some of my friends and they all said to try Flodesk. And, that my friend, was a huge gamechanger. The emails are pretty, I don't need to read an instruction book to figure it out, and it was super affordable-$19/month with a discount link. 

You can try it for free (without even entering your credit card information) and play around with it. If you like it, lock in by Nov 2 and get 50% off of unlimited emails and subscribers for life.

This allows you to create links for people to sign up and segment them out in categories. You can get super pretty emails that are also super easy to customize. 

I'll drop in a couple links that will help you see what's possible and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have. 

 See these examples of what I was able to create with zero knowledge of coding:

Link to newest email I sent out on behalf of my friend's nonprofit-click here  {One huge perk for her is that it can go on her website for them to view as well as the inbox of those who are subscribed to the list.} 

Link to one of the first emails I ever sent out announcing the Success Lounge-click here {While the SL link to join is not live anymore, you can see the difference in brands and templates.}

 Link to an example of what those in business refer to as an 'opt in' aka my Stuck to Unstoppable (beta) workshop- click here


If you follow my blog, I hope you know I don't recommend anything that I don't love. With that said, I do want to be upfront and let you know they have an easy affiliate program. I give you my link, you save $19 per month and I get $19. Once you are a member, you can share your link and make a couple bucks. It isn't a ton but it offsets my email marketing budget so I call it a win!


Melissa Batt: Faith Life Business Subscribe

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