June Challenge: Serving Others

community challenge coping with depression faith generalized anxiety disorder good habits hustle culture intentional living life hack motherhood

This month’s Real Talk Tribe challenge? Serving others. 

For those of us who are struggling in a funk or with depression, studies prove that serving others helps. Putting other people’s needs before your own helps you take the focus off of your problems. It also will let off some feel good chemicals in your brain aka ‘happy’ juice! 

We were created to serve others and glorify God. God calls us to serve others. And, in turn, it will benefit us. 

From improving our mood, living a longer life, reducing mild depression, lowering our blood pressure, building authentic relationships, and living with purpose, the list of benefits are endless.  

Most of us know it is a good thing to serve others, right? But, why is it important?

God calls us to serve. 

One little thing worth mentioning, sometimes we can use serving as an escape. I struggled with this for years. I love helping people do the things I'm good at. However, we have to be careful to not allow serving others take us away from our main priorities. I often neglected and put things like my husband, children, and spending time with God on the back burner and wore 'busy' and 'do-gooder' as a badge of honor. That's definitely a blog post for another day but wanted to caution you to be careful not to get caught in that trap. 

  Galatians 5:13-14 NIV

13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b]

P.S. For more ideas and encouragement, join us. You don't have to do it alone ->Real Talk Tribe free community

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Find out more about me: www.melissabatt.com

Want to work with me: Send me a quick email at [email protected]

Disclaimer: Occasionally, I will share products I'm an affiliate for.  If you purchase from it, I will make a small percentage for sharing at no cost to you. I keep it real and would NEVER suggest anything I wouldn't want to 100% stand behind.


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