Less sugar is officially the Real Talk Tribe community challenge for November. Making choices best for our health may not be easy but it will always be worth it. And, when we are doing our part to do the work God is calling us to do, we must CIRCLE THE WAGON. Let’s prepare & protect what we can so we aren’t delayed or distracted by the enemy. If we aren’t intentional with our health, we become an easy target.
So, now that I have that out of the way, can we skip the part where I convince you to give up sugar? You know it will be good for you, right? I’m believing you are shaking your head yes so I’m going to move on and share my best tips to make the most out of the challenge.
Give yourself grace and go easy on yourself the first week or so. Don’t give up. Make sure you get plenty of rest, water, and move your body as much as possible.
This challenge is for YOU. You make the rules. Do you want to give up all sugar including fruits & veggies or are you wanting to focus on eliminating the processed sugars? Are sugar substitutes okay? Are you only wanting the challenge to last a week? You make all the decisions. Make the rules and remember something is better. Setting yourself up for failure will only make you feel defeated.
Remove temptations if possible and prepare with healthier options. I have to go grocery shopping and clean and prep fruit and veggies so that I have an easy option when I need a snack. If the celery isn’t clean, I won’t eat it. Have conversations with family and ask them to help keep the sugar stuff out of your reach. My husband knows the Pay Day candy bars are my love language. He typically brings me one every time he goes to the gas station. I will not be able to say no when it is within reach so I need him to remember to save his money and pass on it.
You know it helps to have someone to hold you accountable. But, also, it’s fun to do with friends. You can share healthy options, vent about the cupcakes you just skipped out on, etc.
Lastly, a little real talk because you know I always tell you the good stuff.
I did this challenge a few months ago and I had no idea I had so many issues. Pay attention to triggers that send you running to sugar. The biggest for me was using sugar and unhealthy food to fill a void. Another big eye opener for me was learning how many times I turned to unhealthy food when I was feeling tired and lethargic (physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally).
P.S. If you would like to dive deeper into the connection sugar plays in your faith and relationship with Jesus, I would recommend you check out this book. She is super relatable as she shares her own journey to give up sugar and grow closer to God.
The 40-Day Sugar Fast by Wendy Speake
P.S. Join us inside the free Real Talk Tribe community and we can do it together. You don’t have to do it alone ->Real Talk Tribe free community
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Learn more about me: www.melissabatt.com
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