Reading your Bible

circle the wagon community challenge depression faith good habits intentional living kingdom work
woman with drink and bible with 10 reasons you should be reading your bible

As you become intentional in living out God's purpose for your life, you must circle the wagon. Circling the wagon means doing all you can to be proactive versus reactive. Preparing for opposition is crucial.

Getting into your Bible and reading it is part of being prepared and ready. 

If you are wanting to do the things He is calling you to do, you must be in His word.

If you want to be armed & ready to take on the battle the enemy is bringing to your home, you must be in His word.

If you are wanting to break the cycles from generations of addiction, abuse, poverty, etc, you must be in His word.

If you are wanting to hear God more, it starts here. You can’t know if something is of God if you don’t first know it lines up with His word. To know His word, you must read it.

The Bible is God-breathed and as relevant today as any other day. As a Christian, it is super important for you to read God’s word. It's full of promises, encouragement, and His plan for you. It's time to stop with the excuses of not understanding it and commit to understanding it. 

He will speak to you through it. He will equip you and help you understand it. He will pursue you as you pursue Him. Be expectant. If you don't believe it yet, borrow my belief. He will meet you exactly where you. Don't discount it or dismiss it. 

Here's a few more reasons why you should commit to reading His word regularly: 

  1. Grow your faith and become closer to God. 
  2. Learn His voice. You must know His voice to to recognize it.
  3. Identify His plan for your life and what you should prioritize.
  4. To be able to stand strong with authority & conviction when trouble comes.
  5. Less anxiety and more peace as you live out His word in alignment with Him.
  6. To be able to recognize what is right and wrong & fight against it versus giving in to it.
  7. Make better decisions when you heed the advice from His word. 
  8. To learn the ways of God, His character and begin imitating it.
  9. Encouragement as you read God's promises for your life.
  10. It explains Christianity and teaches you the things necessary to share & encourage others.

P.S.S.  For more ideas and encouragement, join us. You don't have to do it alone ->Real Talk Tribe free community

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