Seven ideas to baby step your way to a bigger comfort zone.

blogging and ministry business community challenge direct sales faith intentional living motherhood

This month's Real Talk Tribe challenge is all about stretching your comfort zone. If you are like me, sometimes you think of things in a big way instead of tiny ways that are doable and will continue to get the job done. 

Here's seven ways to baby step your way to a bigger comfort zone: 

1. Speak up and vocalize your thoughts when you know you have something to say. 

2. Say yes to something you would normally say no to doing. Or do the opposite and say no to something you always say yes to. 

3. Compliment a stranger while out & about. Bonus if you create a conversation with them. 

4. Learn something new. 

5. Start a new business adventure or start showing up fully in the one you already have. 

6. Volunteer and serve in your community. 

7. Delegate something you are currently doing to someone else. Or do the opposite and mentor someone who could learn from you. 


And, one more just in case you are missing the obvious. Do something you are afraid of. Ask for help. Speak in public. Use the chainsaw. Run on the treadmill in front of others. Acknowledge the elephant in the room.

 Every time you intentionally choose to do one of these things, you will build your confidence and stretch your comfort zone. And, if you are a believer and exercise your faith, you grow your faith and deepen your relationship with Jesus learning what He is capable of doing in your life. 


 P.S.S.  For more ideas and encouragement, join us. You don't have to do it alone ->Real Talk Tribe free community

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Disclaimer: Occasionally, I will share products I'm an affiliate for.  If you purchase from it, I will make a small percentage for sharing at no cost to you. I keep it real and would NEVER suggest anything I wouldn't want to 100% stand behind.
Melissa Batt: Faith Life Business Subscribe

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