Stop doubting your calling.

faith intentional living kingdom work mindset
Faith Encouragement God is bigger.

For years, I let the doubt and insecurities hold me back. I wasn't ready. It wasn't time yet. I didn't know enough.

No one really knows it all, right? But that doesn’t mean I’m not good at what I do. 

Even if you’re an expert and at the top of your game, there is always more to learn. It doesn’t mean you don’t know what you’re doing or that you are wasting your time. And, you are definitely not a fraud because of it. 

Do not give up or continue procrastinating because you don’t feel ready. You wouldn’t be given this purpose if you weren’t capable of fulfilling it. Second guessing whether you are capable isn't serving you, stay the course. Or if you are where I was a few years ago, listen friend, I love you enough to tell you it is time to START.

And, let’s be real. When we feel qualified and confident, we depend less on God and more on ourselves. Actually, it is in that place when we know it is time to level up, get out of our comfort zone, and take another step forward. So, if your faith walk isn't super strong right now, it's probably a sure sign that you need to shake things up a bit and up your game to need him more. 

Seriously, when you aren't sure or don't feel equipped, it allows you to be fully dependent on God. I don’t know about you but that is when my faith is the strongest. 


Instead of feeling like you’re less than because you don’t know everything recognize it as a distraction from the enemy to prevent you from taking your next steps. Flip the script, girl. You were created for this and can do all the things when you are living in God's will. 

P.S. Imposter syndrome is real but doesn’t have to hold you back. I'm happy to get on a free call with you and help talk it out. I can almost guarantee you will have more clarity within 15 minutes of chatting. 

Link to set up a call: Schedule Call Today

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Melissa Batt: Faith Life Business Subscribe

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