Three things I wish I had known sooner

being on top blogging and ministry direct sales dreamers hustle culture identity in jesus intentional living

Someone recently asked me what I I wish I would have known sooner:

My exact answer, "So many things! Definitely a podcast series in my future!"

The podcast is coming along but until then, here's three big ones! 

1. Speaking from when I was in direct sales, I wish I would have recognized how my business played a bigger part in my ministry. My mission & calling is aligned and goes together in all areas of my life. If I knew then what I know now, I would have focused less on being known as the ‘31 girl’ and focused on speaking life into my customers, team, and network a little more while also sharing more of the mental health stuff. 

2. You don’t have to sacrifice everything to get to the top. For so long I was flying by the seat of my pants and ‘working’ all the time. Truthfully, I may have been making six figures and climbing the ranks but I was absolutely playing in my business. I wasted a ton of time chasing ideas and trying all the things someone else told me worked for them. I believed the lies of hustle culture and was chasing incentives, money, titles, you name it… At the end of the day, that’s not my identity and it isn’t yours either. At the end of your life, those things that were taking up all my time are insignificant and don’t matter. 

3. Stop comparing yourself to others or believing you are weird or awkward. Those are your superpowers. Be yourself and you will find your people.

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