Overwhelmed when reading your bible? This blog post is for you!

community challenge depression generalized anxiety disorder goal setting good habits identity in jesus intentional living life hack

Every month inside the Real Talk Tribe community, we have a challenge we believe will help you live a more intentional and purpose-filled life. This month’s challenge is a little different than all of our other challenges but is super important for those of us who are believers in Jesus.

This month we are encouraging  you to get in your Bible and read it. It’s not about reading a whole chapter. It’s about allowing yourself to be present and glean what God wants to show you through His word.  

In 2021, I made a commitment to get in my Bible every day and write in my prayer journal regarding what I read. I can’t even begin to tell you how life changing this was for me. I’ve been a Christian for a long time. I love God and definitely feel like I have a good strong relationship with Him but honestly reading His word regularly was a huge struggle for me. 

 If you have never actively pursued God by getting into His word and reading your bible, here’s seven tips to help you as you participate in the challenge: 

  1. Find a Bible you can understand. I recommend the New Living Translation, New International Version, or Amplified Bible. These will break it down in language you will understand a little easier.  
  2. Start with the book of John. In the new testament, a little over half way through the bible, you will find it. It is right after the book of Luke and right before the book of Acts. 
  3. Before you start reading, ask God to meet you and help you understand what you are reading. 
  4. In the beginning it’s okay if you have to make yourself do it. Set a timer for five minutes if you need to and commit to it. Everyday it will get easier and you will start to understand. 
  5. There will be parts you do not understand. Make a note to ask someone for more context so you can dive deeper. 
  6. Have a notebook handy and write what you are learning. I also encourage you to use the notebook as a prayer journal. Talk to God in it. Write down what you feel like He is telling you. 
  7. Invite a friend to join you and do it together. This will give you accountability and also help you and your friend grow together. 

 More about the monthly challenges and why we do them:  

These challenges aren't just for fun. Although, we put intentional work in to make them more fun.

These challenges aren't just to grow the group. Although we do hope you share them with your friends and invite them along.

These challenges aren't just to help you be a better person. Although, we do believe joining us and doing them will help you become the best version of yourself.

Whether the monthly challenge is to drink water, move your body, declutter, go on a no spend fast, choose less sugar, etc, they all have this one thing in common. Ready for it?

Each challenge is to help you to break up the day, get off the hamster wheel, and help you grow closer to God to live out your purpose. You have to intentionally choose to do the thing.

As someone who was in a deep, dark pit of depression in 2018 & 2019, these challenges are simple practices God used to help me move forward one baby step at a time. Getting out is hard, staying out is a whole other thing. {IYKYK} And, with each step further out of the pit, God has reminded me of my dreams, purpose, and the longings of my heart so I can move forward with Him to do the things. I want you to experience this too. 

As always, my mission is to link arms with you and guide you one baby step at a time so you can do the hard work God has called you to.

P.S.S.  For more ideas and encouragement, join us. You don't have to do it alone ->Real Talk Tribe free community

 Link to set up a call: Schedule Call Today

Find out more about me: www.melissabatt.com

Want to work with me: Send me a quick email at [email protected]

Disclaimer: Occasionally, I will share products I'm an affiliate for.  If you purchase from it, I will make a small percentage for sharing at no cost to you. I keep it real and would NEVER suggest anything I wouldn't want to 100% stand behind.
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