An easy method and process to help you determine ahead of time if you are focusing on things or people that are not for you to solve, fix, or save and how to manage it easily.

Learn why being proactive is the best approach towards protecting yourself from the enemy’s ability to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’

An interactive assessment to determine the health of four specific areas of your life


Packed with practical strategies and insightful exercises to help you be proactive and protect your time. It’s time to be fully present with those that matter most and this workbook contains all the tips to help you do just that– download this free workbook today and say yes to living a life you no longer feel you need to escape from.




 Tips to finding time (or creating it) when your to-do list is already a mile long


A former senior executive sales leader turned life coach who is passionate about helping women live the life they were created for. She’s a trusted confidant for those wanting to get out of their comfort zone and get more out of life than the status quo. She understands the ups and downs of navigating life in today’s world. Her compassionate approach, coupled with her extensive knowledge of biblical principles and easy-to-walk-out strategies, equips her to help women overcome obstacles, deepen their faith, and step boldly into the life they were meant to live.

Meet your Coach

Speaker, Podcast Host, Life Coach & Passionate Pursuer of Jesus


This is for the woman who is tired of being tired and is ready to do something about it. You know you were made for more and recognize you need support, accountability, and someone to talk to who will understand that life hasn’t been easy.

One-on-One Coaching



Kristin Misko

Through Melissa’s coaching and the support of her community, I now prioritize and have learned to do what’s right for me, instead of trying to do everything. It has brought a peace to my life both professionally and personally as I learn to be intentional and focus.

"It has brought a peace to my life, both professionally and personally..."

Nicky Bowling

Wow, I've accomplished quite a few feats! First I've revamped my relationship with God! Secondly my disastrous falling out with my middle son is on the mend. I started a blog, podcast, and masterclass content. I was promoted at work and I have so much to be thankful for! Melissa has helped every step of the way and has been such a blessing to me. If you're on the fence, sign up today and take advantage of her services! 💕

"Melissa Batt has helped every step of the way and has been such a blessing."

Jennifer Engle

Melissa pours her heart into every session, speaking truth and giving inspiration. She is always eager to help whether it is the smallest details or the biggest hurdles.

"Melissa pours her heart into every session..."

Susan Thrasher

I rediscovered my passions and how I can serve people best. My biggest takeaway-DO IT MESSY! Perfection doesn’t exist. Thank you for being such a wonderful human. You are exactly who I needed in my life!

"You are exactly who I needed in my life!"

Tammy Bartels

Before working with Melissa, I felt defeated and was losing steam on what felt like a non-stop hamster wheel. Melissa has helped me get outside of my box and know that what I do, doesn’t have to look like everyone else. I am absolutely loving my life and my family is thriving. I put the work in, but she gave me the confidence to do it!

"Melissa gave me the confidence to thrive!"

Wendy Thomas

She is a wealth of knowledge! One of the biggest changes for me since working with her is the value I give myself. As an introverted stay-at-home mom, I had lost my identity. I now have a sisterhood of women to lean on & my confidence is soaring!

"There is so much value in my one-on-one coach sessions with Melissa!"

What previous clients have said