Do you ever find yourself saying some of this to yourself:
If I can only have a business like so & so…
If I can just get new team members…
If I can just get more money coming in…
If so, we are so much alike. I have found myself saying similar things as I pray out begging for God to give me what I think I need.
But, here’s the thing I’ve been learning. If you were to have a business like that person, get the new team members or just have a non-stop pouring of funds, how would you handle it?
Would it serve you well? Would you serve well with those things? Ouch, right? Sometimes I forget that God is God and I’m a human who doesn’t have it all together and doesn’t know everything. God does and because He knows…. Well, I’ve learned I need to get a few things in order before I can even be prepared for those blessings.
And, I’m guessing you may be the same. How is that for some #realtalk today? (I told ya I’d feeling a little ballsy today!)
So because I’m a business coach, I’m going to break this down using more business examples.
If your business would explode overnight, would you have the right processes in place to handle it? Would you have happy customers? Happy family?
If you were to have an influx of new team members, would they want to stay? Would they fall through the cracks?
If your sales were through the roof and you started bringing in a ton more cash, would you be able to track it properly and spend it wisely?
Throughout the last year, God has been showing me a ton of cracks that were in my business and helping me create a more solid foundation so I can sustain it when growth comes.
Honestly, if I’m being completely transparent, it’s not the most fun part of my business.
It’s the part of my business that I have always ignored because it felt overwhelming. It wasn’t fun. It required me to slow down from flying by the seat of my pants and I was on such an amazing adrenaline rush from flying that I couldn’t possibly sit and think clearly.
So I kept running. I kept chasing. I kept distracting myself with more shiny objects that ‘appeared’ fun. Until one day I recognized that I didn’t even like my business and who I had become.
If you have been there, you know. And, if you haven’t, I am thankful. I’d love to help you NOT get to that point and take a look at your business and find the cracks before it is too late.
So, here’s my challenge for you… Are there cracks that need attention like your onboarding or follow up systems? Or maybe even in your relationships or self-care routines? If so, I hope you learn from me and set aside some quiet time to reflect and give those areas some attention.
I’m leaving you with little nugget of wisdom:
Matthew 7:24-27 Everyone who hears my words and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and hit that house. But it did not fall, because it was built on rock. Everyone who hears my words and does not obey them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and hit that house, and it fell with a big crash.”
What’s the point of building a business on sand when it won’t last?
Cheering for you always and sometimes giving you a little tough love, right? XO Melissa
P.S. After reading this, were there areas of your life or business that stood out? If so, let’s talk about it. Schedule a clarity call and let’s jump in and start fixing your foundation.
P.S.S. For more ideas and encouragement, join us inside our free community! You don’t have to do it alone ->Real Talk Tribe free community
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